Monday, August 8, 2011

Sooooo.... Today we got denied entry back into Serbia because of our Kosovo passport stamps. A lot of time is spent arguing and calling certain US offices for assistance. The ultimate decision and plan, because of the political obstinance and the symbology behind these stamps, is that we cannot enter through Serbia but through Montenegro then through Serbia (this is because Montenegro identifies Kosovo as an independent nation and Serbia does not). So off we go... luckily the scenery is beautiful and we decide to have a nice meal and spend the night instead of trying to make the long and winding (literally... the roads go through some seriously windy, curvy, crazy, mountainous roads) journey in one night. Before we get to the hotel, we are welcomed with some other wonderful news: the main road is blocked due to rock slides. That now sets our hotel arrival back an hour. We manage to make the most out of a bus ride after a gas station stop. Also, thankfully, the hotel is 5-stars and is gorgeous. It helps us manage to live. Our professors TA, tour guide, and bus driver were also pretty cool through the whole things. So in conclusion, one word: Balkans.

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